Who We Are

Centra Care Multicultural Church was birthed by the vision that God had given to Ps. Joshua Chandra on 05/05/05 based on the verse from Maleachi 4:6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike.

Centra Care Ministry started as a fellowship with less than 10 people. As the fellowship grew, we formed as a church in 2010 as ethnic Indonesian congregation. We worshipped at UTS, Sydenham, Bexley, Belmore and by the Grace of God we are able to have our permanent place in Padstow.  In 2020, we started the English service and now we have two services in Indonesian and English.

As part of the ministry, we have food care, job care and counselling care to serve the community.

We also planted churches in Darwin led by Ps. Ferry Fangidae and Jakarta led by Ev. Dominggus Kenjam.

CCM is a contemporary Christian church and is under the denomination of Australian Christian Churches.